Syphilis is everywhere in Saskatchewan.
- Syphilis is on the rise all across Saskatchewan. Stop the spread of syphilis. Protect yourself and others.
- Prevent harm to babies.
- It’s free, confidential, and easy to get tested in Saskatchewan (a simple blood sample or swab of the infected area).
- Healthcare providers, including your family doctor or nurse practitioner.
- Walk-in clinics.
- Sexual health clinics.
- Download the KIS-SK app (Keep It Safe Saskatchewan) to find a testing site near you.
- People who have had unprotected sexual contact: Syphilis can be passed between partners during unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex.
- Anyone who has had unprotected sexual contact (vaginal, anal, or oral sex) should get tested.
- Women who might be pregnant or partners planning to get pregnant: Syphilis can be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy or delivery. It can harm the baby and even cause death.
- Syphilis is passed through contact with syphilis lesions (sores or rash) in the genitals or mouth. Although less common, this means that syphilis can also be passed through sharing sex toys, deep kissing, and sharing substance use equipment.
- Getting tested for syphilis is the only way to know if you have it. Getting tested is the first step to getting cured!
- Syphilis is curable, but it can cause serious harm if it is not treated. If left untreated, syphilis can cause damage to the heart, liver, brain, and eyes.
- During pregnancy, syphilis can cause serious harm to the baby. This is called congenital syphilis.
- Having syphilis increases the risk of becoming infected with and passing on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For more information about HIV, click here.
- Testing for syphilis requires a blood sample or swab of the infected area. Testing is free and confidential.
- Syphilis can be cured with an injection of antibiotics. Treatment may not be able to reverse damage that has already occurred, so getting regular testing is important for early treatment.
What are the symptoms?
- The symptoms of syphilis are often invisible. Even if a person doesn’t have any symptoms, the infection can still be passed to others. Each stage has different possible symptoms.

Congenital Syphilis
Syphilis hurts babies.
- Congenital syphilis occurs when a mother with syphilis passes the infection to her baby during pregnancy or vaginal birth.
- Babies born with syphilis can have lifelong problems with their brain, eyes, ears, teeth, and bones. Congenital syphilis can also cause miscarriage or death shortly after birth.
- If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, ask for a test.
- Treatment during pregnancy can help prevent the spread of syphilis from mom to baby and helps to reduce the harms associated with congenital syphilis.
- Babies exposed to syphilis will be assessed after birth. Some babies will require further treatment for congenital syphilis. For others, treatment for health conditions caused by the infection may be needed.
Syphilis in Saskatchewan Facts
• Saskatchewan reported 2,217 cases of syphilis in 2022.
• Syphilis is on the rise all across Saskatchewan.
Between 2018 and 2022, Saskatchewan saw a 1,444% increase in syphilis rates.
• According to the Government of Saskatchewan, most syphilis cases are in young adults 20-39 years of age.
• Syphilis is curable with an injection of antibiotics. Protect yourself and others. Ask for a test today.
Sexual Health Clinics
Battlefords Sexual Health Clinic
Phone: 306-937-6846
Room 104, 1192 – 101 Street North
Fort Qu’ Appelle,
Miko-Mahikan Red Wolf
Phone: 306-332-5500
203B Broadway St West
Meadow Lake Sexual Health Services
Phone: 306-236-5661
218 Centre Street
Moose Jaw Teen Wellness Clinic
Phone: 306-691-1500
1000B Albert Street
Prince Albert Sexual Health
Clinic (Access Place)
Phone: 306-765-6544
101 15th Street East
Regina, Planned Parenthood
Phone: 306-522-0902
2024A Albert Street
Regina Sexual Health Clinic
Phone: 306-766-7788
2110 Hamilton Street
Saskatoon, OUT Saskatoon
Phone: 306-665-1224
213 Avenue C South
Saskatoon Sexual Health
Phone: 306-244-7989
213 Avenue C South
Saskatoon Sexual Health Clinic
Phone: 306-655-4642
#101 – 310 Idylwyld Drive North
Swift Current Northside Medical Sexual Health Clinic
Phone: 306-773-9100
1921 Saskatchewan Drive
Yorkton Turning Point Program
Phone: 306-786-0637
#109 345 Broadway St. West (Enter through west side of the building door #5)
You can also contact your local public health office, visit HealthLine Online, or call HealthLine by dialing 811 to speak with a nurse.
Information for Healthcare Providers
For clinical information and resources related to syphilis, including clinical procedures, order sets, and notification forms, please visit the Saskatchewan Health Authority website: www.saskhealthauthority.ca/intranet/health-provider-resources/clinical-resources/public-health/syphilis-public-health.
The Northern Health Inter-Tribal Authority’s (NITHA) Decision Making Algorithm for Syphilis for Primary Care Providers can be accessed here: www.nitha.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Decision-Making-Algorithm-for-Syphilis_2024_Final_February-2024.pdf.
For additional resources for healthcare providers, visit: www.skprevention.ca/sexual-health/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis/syphilis/.